Little Known Secret Techniques to Open Anyone's Mouth
Presenter: Dr. Harvey Levy
Release Date: 2/21/17
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 2/21/28
AGD Subject Code: 550
Reviewed: 2025
Until you have opened a patient’s mouth to perform an intraoral exam, you cannot diagnose or treat them. Some patients are physically combative or uncooperative. Patients with medical or mental challenges may not allow you to safely open and examine their mouths.
This CE webinar will reveal acupressure methods to open the mouth, and tools we use to maintain the mouth open. Other techniques include physical distraction and multiple site stimulation. Used in conjunction, we have found these techniques to be effective for 96% of the uncooperative patients in our office. (The remaining 4% we bring to an operating room.)
The techniques presented consist of manual pressure applied to very specific acupuncture points. Several of those points will be discussed, each with their proper angle, direction and type of motion required to open the mouth. These techniques are common to acupuncturists and used by pressure point martial artists to manipulate people’s mouths. As a dentist and martial artist, I have merged these skills together and am eager to share them with you.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, participants should be able to: • know how to use pressure points to open most patients’ mouths; • learn physical distraction techniques to open patients’ mouths; • know the angle and direction of acupuncture points to open patients’ mouths; • learn how to prop and maintain an open mouth after using acupressure to open their mouth
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